The newsletter from NWACA this week welcomed a new ad-hoc board member to the board, Mr. John Sepehri.
It's mid-term for the current board (2 years terms), but NWACA's bylaws allow for ad hoc board member additions by the board.
Mr. Sepehri, is the General Counsel for the Texas Apartment Association, formerly living in Dallas and his full bio is here on LinkedIn:
Please see NWACA's newsletter from Dec 2 for more info on the board addition.
For your convenience: the press release from the Texas Apartment Assn is linked here:
Join us in welcoming, Mr. John Sepehri to the leadership of one of our NO PUD ALLIANCE NEIGHBORHOODS; and we know that you share our hope that he will represent the majority of the residents of his neighborhood and the greater northwest Austin neighborhood alliance (PUD related) versus other commercial and personal professional interests.