To: Mr. Steven Zettner, Sustainable Neighborhoods of North Central Austin,
From: Cecelia Burke, No Pud, Not Now, Not Ever AUSTX,
Thank you for your interest in our Red, White & Bulldozed Campaign. To answer your question: Our campaign is funded and organized by Austin volunteer neighbors (on both sides of MoPac) concerned about a request from a Dallas developer for Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning at the corner of Spicewood Springs Road and MoPac. Anyone can join us. We are not a "club". We are like-minded individuals firmly opposed to any PUD zoning at this site and any other PUD zoning that may be applied for along the MoPac corridor. We advocate conventional zoning and the will of The People.
THE KEY POINT IS THIS : The City Of Austin IS BEING ASKED TO SUPPORT DENSITY BEFORE THE INFRASTRUCTURE IS IN PLACE! If approved, taxpayers will foot the bill for traffic, electrical, water and waste water and other infrastructure changes/additions (ex: traffic lights, bridges, pedestrian bridges, etc) that would be required to support this kind of development and make it a success. If many of these PUDS are approved, Austin simply cannot support them and there are better ways to address our growth challenges (opportunities) than concrete canyons of high-rise residential developments and groovy retailers.
Furthermore, on a tactical level, this project, as proposed, does not meet the requirements for PUD zoning. Superior development and amenities are required as well as preservation of the environment. There is nothing superior about this developer’s dream as proposed. Everything they’re proposing to build can be built in conventional zoning. We are curious and concerned about why the “PUD designation” for this land is so desired?
Additionally, our concerns include:
- Seventeen and fourteen story high rises and increasing the square footage from 450,000 sq ft to 1.6 million sq ft. does not belong in a residential neighborhood. Only regional centers, ie Imagine Austin, were imagined to have buildings this high. These building could be seen from 620 and would be the highest buildings outside of downtown.
- This is not a Neighborhood Center as envisioned in Imagine Austin and NW Hill’s Neighborhood Center is on Far West. Adding another Center with 10,000 people will be too much for the area. The intersection of Anderson Lane and Mopac will collapse if the Neighborhood Center suggested for the corner of Anderson/Mopac is also built.
- Preliminary and lowball estimates of the increase in traffic at MoPac and Spicewood Springs Rd. is 21,000 trips per day.
- The site contains loads of oak trees and many are heritage trees, over 60 inches in diameter, and we can’t afford to lose those trees or increase the heat signature of the neighborhood. This plan would include the loss of 9 heritage trees (greater than 24” diameter) and 45% of the protected trees (over 19-24”).
- Additional residential units will add 125-150 students to already over-crowded schools. Doss has 940 kids this year and is sized for 530. Gullett, Hill, Highland Park, and Murchison are also overcrowded.
In a recent article in the American Statesman a local consultant to the Dallas Developer states that this entire corridor is ripe for this type of development. He is talking about BOTH sides of MoPac.
This proposed PUD is a direct assault on quiet, residential neighborhoods with local retail/restaurants on both sides of MoPac. It affects many new Council district but mostly District 7 and District 10.
Allendale Neighborhood Association and North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association have come out publicly against this PUD.
Here is what you can do at this point:
- Send an email to the case manager outlining your objections to the PUD and letting him know we don’t want the PUD in our neighborhood. Ask him to put this in any backup or briefing materials for the Environmental Board, the Zoning Commission and the City Council. His name is Lee Heckman and is email address is: [email protected]
- Email the Mayor and the members of the City Council about your feelings on the PUD at this address:
- Ask council members and candidates for office, “Do you support the Austin Oaks PUD? ” Please send a copy all of these emails to [email protected]
- Follow Us on Facebook @ N0 PUD, Not Now, Not Ever
- Check out our website at:
- Sign up to volunteer to LEAFLET a local community meeting to raise PUD awareness on SignupGenius:
Together we can make sure Austin is not RED, WHITE and BULLDOZED by out of control development. We will help promote developments that fit the uniquely Austin-style we’re known for nationwide!
Thank you!