Tonight the Allandale Neighborhood Association voted UNANIMOUSLY for a resolution to OPPOSE the PUD at AUSTIN OAKS.
The vote was taken at tonight's annual meeting of the members.
The Developer's representatives from
The Bury firm were on hand to witness the vote.
This is the first of the neighborhoods along mopac to take an official position.
We are in contact with all the neighborhood associations along mopac to raise awareness and inquire as to their position on this PUD.
Thanks to everyone writing in to city council and zoning. Please keep up the great work.
We are well on our way to stopping this PUD and working to find a design that's suitable for the communities all along mopac.
Update Note 9/4/14 7 AM:
North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association (NSCNA) voted Tuesday night to oppose the planned PUD development at Austin Oaks.
Kudos to both NSCNA of ALLANDALE for taking the lead to OPPOSE the PUD PUBLICLY.