The application keeps trickling into the city's zoning department as the Drenner Group and Spire Realty keep slow rolling this project. We're reviewing the docs here in context with what has already been submitted to date. It may have improved. Stay tuned.
Here are today's docs for your own review:
Here are today's docs for your own review:

2015_04_30_applicant_summary_letter_-_executed_.pdf |

2015_04_29_comment_response_.pdf |

2015_04_30_land_use_plan_-_sheet_1_--_height_illusration.pdf |

2015_04_30_land_use_plan_-_sheet_2.pdf |

2015_04_30_land_use_plan_-_sheet_3.pdf |

2015_04_30_land_use_plan_-_sheet_4.pdf |

2015_04_30_superiority_chart.pdf |

2015_04_29_comment_response_.pdf |